الشركة العربية المتحدة للشحن والتفريغ

Legal Form


An Egyptian Joint Stock Company under Law No. 203 of 1991 with authorized and paid up capital and a source of LE 200 million distributed over 200 million shares with a nominal value of LE 1 per share.

The company is a subsidiary of the Holding Company for Maritime and Land Transport and is listed on the Stock Exchange on June 4, 1998 and the fiscal year begins on the 1st of July each year.

Dates of Board of Directors: At least once a month.

Dates of the General Assemblies: The last of each financial year after the examination of the financial statements by the auditors of the Central Authority for Accountancy and their delivery to the Stock Exchange and the Authority, as well as when preparing the estimated budget during the month of April of each year.

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